PDF Lead for God Sake! A Parable for Finding the Heart of Leadership Todd Gongwer Urban Meyer Books

PDF Lead for God Sake! A Parable for Finding the Heart of Leadership Todd Gongwer Urban Meyer Books

Product details

  • Paperback 256 pages
  • Publisher Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. (April 1, 2014)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1414370563

Lead for God Sake! A Parable for Finding the Heart of Leadership Todd Gongwer Urban Meyer Books Reviews

  • Excellent read on the very purpose of leadership, something we all struggle to define. Quite often leadership becomes all about the leader who is in pursuit of power, money, recognition, etc. In reality, you need to have a purpose to serve others and care for those you lead. The same leadership style at Jesus exhibited. Very insightful story about true servant leadership.
  • I bought this on accident with a one click buy and there was a reason while scrolling for other books, it’s a life changing read. If you are in a leadership role or have a teenager ready to take on the world this book should be a requirement. I read books from all types of leadership and can honestly say there is a reason with my current teams situation this landed in my lap.

    Read this for God’s sake.
  • Thus book has helped me see leadership in whole new way. I never wanted to be a leader to be the boss or to organize a crew of people. Im more of the get in and get the work done kind of guy . Ive always felt that to many people think of themselves as leaders and wanting to be the in charge without doing the real work. I now see i can lead without being in charge.
  • I was intrigued by the book because of Urban Meyer. I am a father ,husband, and a high school coach. I have read Urban Meyer's first book called Urbans way and really thought he was crazy! Now I know he is amazing at his job but I also knew that I was not willing to sacrifice my family like his first book entailed. But this year something is totally different about Urban Meyer and I think it stems from this book. He looks at peace and his team looked like a family! I understand why, this book is powerful! It is something I want to lead my future teams by! Congratulations to Urban Meyer ! Your change in coaching style is truly inspiring!!!
  • Finding purpose, then leading from the heart at the beginning of any situation or relationship can change the ultimate outcome of anything. But it will depend on how well you apply it. Here Todd Gongwer takes a simple message wrapped around an interesting story where I found myself in the story at times. How the characters reacted or philosophies they adopted mimicked leadership styles I have used and served under. I can see why this book wins high praise from coaches and leaders in team sports, but it's just as applicable to a single parent, student or office worker. Why? Because we all have a purpose, and finding it is the right first step to moving forward. That's what God wants for all of us.
  • I heard about this book reading an article in the Canton Repository about the impact this book had on Urban Meyer. Urban Meyer is the head coach at Ohio State and while he had achieved the pinnacle of success as coach at Florida he found he needed to let it go for his health and his family. While reading the book in his year off as an ESPN analyst he rediscovered the real reason for coaching and you can see with the Buckeyes he is now coaching from the heart. I think this book is a tremendous resource that distills the core of leadership which is about which is helping people find their purpose and take action to make a difference in the world. By focusing on the journey instead of the destination you can overcome adversity and make the most of each day.
  • I have been very blessed to have a great mentor for the past 15 years. I value this man's advice more than the advice of anyone else. Unfortunately we do not get the opportunity to talk like we used to. A few weeks ago I was discussing some challenges I was having with my job and he recommended this book to me.

    It really was just what I needed at that time. Reading the book was like having a long conversation with my mentor. The character in the book, Joe, provides advice much like my mentor. It was really nice having Joe serve as a substitute mentor through the book.

    -Kevin Sochocki
  • Outstanding book. One to keep and revisit periodically. Does a great job of putting life in perspective and think deeper about why we do what we do. Highly recommend this book for anyone. Loaded with life lessons.
