Download Cannae Hannibal Greatest Victory eBook Adrian Goldsworthy

Download Cannae Hannibal Greatest Victory eBook Adrian Goldsworthy

Product details

  • Print Length 256 pages
  • Publisher Basic Books (May 21, 2019)
  • Publication Date May 21, 2019
  • Language English

Cannae Hannibal Greatest Victory eBook Adrian Goldsworthy Reviews

  • I've read another book by Goldsworthy (Roman Warfare) which I enjoyed. His writing style is clear and concise - you get a lot of information on each page. The best historians are those who can cause the reader to get a sense that they are actually on the battlefield, or observing from a nearby hilltop. Goldsworthy does just that. Insightful writing and just the right amount of maps and illustrations keep you in the battle. Most of this book concentrates on the actual fighting, which is nice. Reading any book about this battle can be frustrating due to the lack of accurate information, but at least all of the possibilities are addressed in this book. Actually, it's frustrating on the one hand, but not knowing the details for certain adds a bit of mystery to what must have been an epic massacre.

    Having read a few different books about Cannae from various authors, I can say that I would reccommend this one over the others, especially if you have time for only one book about the battle.
  • This is the battle. The big one. Rome versus Hannibal. Outnumbered and outmatched he still manages to not only win but inflict a crippling defeat, obliterating the Roman army. And with this book you can find out why. Well researched and well presented, this book will show you as clearly as possible how it happened. The book is filled with useful diagrams and maps to help show the position of the forces at every stage in the battle. This isn't a campaign book where most of the text is occupied with the events leading up to the battle, most of the lead up is rushed through pretty quick to get to the fighting.
  • Awesome!!! The author has updated his research into the battle and the color maps of different positions during the beginning of the battle has really helped make this author the absolute expert on this era in world history. If you're even remotely interested in this period, you MUST have this book!!!
  • I recently added this book to my Roman/Hannibal collection, I did find it informative and well written, although for my money and in my opinion the best two books on the subject in my collection to date are The Ghosts of Cannae by Robert L. O'Connell, and Hannibal One Man against Rome by Harold Lamb.
  • Cannae Hannibal's Greatest Victory (Phoenix Press) isn't a full-blown history of Cannae and the Second Punic War. Rather, it is history done in a coffee-table book style. The book has dozens of pictures and great maps of the battlefield. The text is a bit dry, but very detailed. I wouldn't recommend this for newcomers to Roman history - Goldsworthy doesn't provide enough historical context for his readers (I might suggest Robert O'Connell's The Ghosts of Cannae Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic for a more general history). Rather, this book is really for readers who want to get into the details of the battle and some nice photos to help bring the history alive.
  • I liked the detail and the maps. Very good detailed analysis and description. Quick read. The format of the book seemed designed for textbook use. Got a better feel for the battle and inconsistencies among historical commentators.
  • As a fan of Goldsworthy, I couldn't wait until this title came out and he did no disappoint. Considered by many the greatest battle of all time, Hannibal's strategy used here has tried to be copied by such great as Napoleon, Robert E. Lee, and even General Schwarzkopf in desert storm. The are maps of the battle from scene to scene, along with getting the feeling you are watching the battle unfold. If you have studied this battle much, then this book is a must for all student from beginners to advanced
  • Outstanding book!
